Solar energy
Solar energy results from light that is captured and transformed into electricity using photovoltaic solar panels. Photovoltaic panels are made up of groups of cells or solar cells that convert light (photons) into electrical energy (electrons).
The process by which sunlight is converted into electricity by photovoltaic cells is called photoelectric, an effect in which certain materials absorb photons (light particles) and release electrons. All of this creates an electrical current that is subsequently processed and distributed as appropriate.
Solar energy is typical of our planet, available in practically the entire territory, and contributes to reducing energy imports, creating jobs and wealth.
Photovoltaic installations need absolute protection, due to their nature of outdoor work and harsh weather conditions. Its correct operation depends on the resistance and quality of its design and materials.
Photovoltaic parks are intentionally exposed to extensive sunlight, but not all surfaces impacted by solar rays are photovoltaic cells.
Therefore, using components that provide excellent resistance to UV rays is essential.
At Fleximat we supply various types of wiring protection solutions for photovoltaic installations. Our best-selling product is polyamide corrugated pipe.
Ral 9005 black is the indicated option in terms of UV resistance. The raw material used in corrugated polyamide tubes offers us guarantees.
By adding 30 percent reinforced fiberglass to the raw material, the material is stabilized against UV rays and heat. In very demanding sectors such as the automotive industry, it has been shown that after 20,000 hours of UV aging, polyamide retains more than ¾ of its chemical and mechanical properties.
This raw material is used in flexible tubes and plastic fittings and their accessories. Discover our range of Polyamide tubes, fittings and cable glands and protect your photovoltaic installations with the best solution.